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Configurations for Dega

Environment variables for Dega Studio#

  • REACT_APP_KRATOS_PUBLIC_URL : the address/URL for kratos-public API.
  • REACT_APP_API_URL: the addresss/URL for dega-server
  • REACT_APP_COMPANION_URL: the address/URL for companion service.
  • PUBLIC_URL: the base URL for dega-studio
  • REACT_APP_KAVACH_PUBLIC_URL: the address/URL for kavach web
  • REACT_APP_IFRAMELY_URL: the address/URL for iframely service
  • REACT_APP_ENABLE_IMGPROXY: boolean value which controls which URLs(in dega there are two kind of URLs raw and proxy, proxy URLs give you more control over the images you can control different attributes like height, width, etc. of an image by adding query parameters to it) are used to display images
  • REACT_APP_SACH_API_URL: the address/URL for Sach API. (SACH (Search Application for Claims & Hoaxes) is a web based search application that enables one to search for fact-checks published by organizations around the world, using text or images.)

Environment variables for Dega Server#

  • MODE: the env in which dega-server is running. It can have two values - "development" and "production"
  • KAVACH_URL: the address/URL for kavach-server
  • IMAGEPROXY_URL: the address/URL for imageproxy
  • KETO_URL: the address/URL for keto-read API
  • KRATOS_PUBLIC_URL: the address/URL for kratos public API
  • IFRAMELY_URL: the address/URL for iframely service
  • OATHKEEPER_HOST: the address URL for oathkeeper service
  • GOOGLE_FACT_CHECK_SEARCH_ENABLED: it is a boolean value which controls whether the google fact check search is enabled or not
  • GOOGLE_KEY: it is an API key which is used to get fact checks from google fact check tools API
  • DATABASE_HOST : the address/URL of the database
  • DATABASE_USER : the username of the database user.
  • DATABASE_PASSWORD : the password of the database user.
  • DATABASE_SSL_MODE : when true, enables secure socket layers which verifies the user certificate.
  • DATABASE_NAME : the name of the database
  • DATABASE_PORT : the port of the database.
  • USE_SQLITE: it is a boolean value if true it uses SQLITE as the database. If USE_SQLITE is true you dont need to pass the env variables with prefix 'DATABASE'.
  • SQLITE_DB_PATH: the path where the .db file to which SQLITE will write will be stored.
  • TEMPLATES_PATH: the path where the templates are stored
  • ORGANISATION_PERMISSION_ENABLED: it is a boolean value which controls whether the organisation permissions will be enabled or not
  • DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_MEDIA: the maximum number of media you can upload for a space which is not in super organisation and ORGANISATION_PERMISSION_ENABLED is false
  • DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_SPACES: the maximum number of spaces you can upload for a space which is not in super organisation and ORGANISATION_PERMISSION_ENABLED is false
  • DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_POSTS: the maximum number of posts you can upload for a space which is not in super organisation and ORGANISATION_PERMISSION_ENABLED is false
  • CREATE_SUPER_ORGANISATION: when enabled it creates super organisation while running dega-migrate service.
  • DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL: the email of the super user
  • DEFAULT_USER_PASSWORD: the password of the super user
  • ENABLE_HUKZ: it is a boolean value which controls whether the hukz service is used or not.
  • HUKZ_URL=http://hukz:8000
  • ENABLE_FEEDS: it controls whether feed is SEO optimized or not.
  • ENABLE_SEARCH_INDEXING: if true it uses meilisearch for search indexing otherwise database is used for the search results.
  • MEILI_URL: it is address/URL for meili API.
  • MEILI_API_KEY: API key for meilisearch
  • NATS_URL: the addresss/URL for nats service
  • NATS_USER_NAME: username for NATS service
  • NATS_USER_PASSWORD: password for NATS service
GOOGLE_FACT_CHECK_SEARCH_ENABLED=falseGOOGLE_KEY=GOOGLE_KEY       # for google fact checks search

Environment variables for Dega API#

  • DATABASE_HOST : the address/URL of the database
  • DATABASE_USER : the username of the database user.
  • DATABASE_PASSWORD : the password of the database user.
  • DATABASE_SSL_MODE : when true, enables secure socket layers which verifies the user certificate.
  • DATABASE_NAME : the name of the database
  • DATABASE_PORT : the port of the database.
  • USE_SQLITE: it is a boolean value if true it uses SQLITE as the database. If USE_SQLITE is true you dont need to pass the env variables with prefix 'DATABASE'.
  • SQLITE_DB_PATH: the path where the .db file to which SQLITE will write will be stored.
  • KAVACH_URL: the address/URL for kavach-server
  • ENABLE_CACHE: it is boolean value which controls whether caching is enabled or not
  • REDIS_URL: the address/URL for Redis.
  • REDIS_PASSWORD: the password for Redis.
  • ENABLE_SEARCH_INDEXING: if true it uses meilisearch for search indexing otherwise database is used for the search results.
  • MEILI_URL: it is address/URL for meili API.
  • MEILI_API_KEY: API key for meilisearch

Environment variable for companion service#